News and Notices

A message from the Principal regarding new COVID-19 measures

8 February 2022

Dear parents and guardians, 

On Monday 7 February 2022, the Minister for Education and Training, the Hon Sue Ellery and the Minister for Child Protection and Community Services, the Hon Simone McGurk announced new COVID-19 high caseload protocols specifically for school and childcare settings. 

Therefore, there are new arrangements in place for La Salle College, effective Tuesday 8 February 2022.  

College Events   

Under the new protocols, measures are now in place at the College to minimise the risk of COVID-19 entering or being transmitted on school grounds. These steps include:

  • Cancelling indoor face-to-face events (such as meetings, performances and rehearsals)
  • Cancelling or postponing school camps
  • Limiting the contact between different year groups, which includes Year 7-9 students wearing their sports uniform on their allocated sport/outdoor education days. More information will be sent to parents about this later this week.

In response to the new protocols and further to my previous correspondence, the following upcoming events, have been suspended or cancelled.   

  • Whole College Assemblies
  • Mass
  • Multi-aged indoor sports/activities
  • All Performing Arts and Music events and rehearsals  
  • Year 12 Retreat.
  • Alumni Dinner
  • ABC Mentally Healthy Fair
  • College Open Day.
Physical distancing 

We are blessed at La Salle College to have extensive and open grounds that ensure our students can move around and physically distance at recess and lunch time.

Student access to the iCentre and Senior Learning Centre (SLC) during breaks and before and after school have been modified to limit numbers and allow for adequate physical distancing.  

New COVID-19 testing and isolation protocols 

New COVID-19 protocols have been released for when WA is in a high caseload environment, including updates to the definition of a close contact and testing and isolation protocols. For example, a confirmed positive case must:

  • Self-isolate for a minimum of seven days
  • At Day 7, if symptoms still present, continue isolating until symptoms clear
  • If no symptoms after Day 7, you can leave self-isolation. No testing required.

For more information on these protocols please visit the WA Gov website. 

See infographics below for more detailed information.

Parents on College grounds 

  • The College will require parents to use the designated Drop-off and Pick-Up areas as normal and remain in their vehicle
  • If a student needs to be collected from the College due to illness you will need remain in your vehicle in the Drop-off and Pick-Up area at the front of the College Reception. On arrival please call Student Reception to advise them of your arrival and a staff member will escort your child to you outside
  • Only visitors making essential service deliveries will be allowed on site/Administration during this time
  • Parent-teacher interviews will occur online or over the phone 
  • Our Uniform Shop is currently closed. We encourage our families to utilise our online ordering system or call our shop on 9449 0624 during normal opening hours
  • Mask wearing for parents has been expanded to outdoors where physical distancing can’t be maintained.

Further information about the implications of these new protocols will be communicated to all parents and guardians in the coming days. 

I am aware that these new measures will have significant implications and may cause disappointment for many in our community, especially our students; however, the health and safety of everyone in our community and the wider community of Western Australia must take priority at this time.   

Yours sincerely, 

Ms Giovanna FiumePrincipal 

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