Friday 30 April 2021
Dear parents and guardians,
Yesterday evening Premier Mark McGowan announced that COVID-19 restrictions in the Perth metropolitan area and Peel region will be eased from 12.01am Saturday 1 May. Modified restrictions will remain in place until 12.01am on Saturday 8 May 2021.
The easing of restrictions is very positive news for our College and will mean that many of our planned activities will be able to resume with minimal disruption. Below is an outline of the arrangements and restrictions as they apply to our College.
Mask wearing
- All staff members and students in Years 7 to 12 will still be required to wear a mask while indoors
- Teachers are no longer required to wear a mask while teaching.
- Students and staff are required to wear masks when travelling on public transport.
- Masks are not required to be worn when consuming food, drink, or medicine, provided that the student or staff member is seated at the time.
- Masks are not required to be worn when engaged in strenuous or vigorous physical activity.
- The requirement to wear masks outdoors will be relaxed unless physical distancing is not possible. For this exemption to continue, we will require the cooperation of our College community.
- Common sense should apply regarding the colour and markings on masks, with staff and students asked not to wear masks that may contain inappropriate markings or designs.
Visitors to the school
- Visitors to the College must adhere to current COVID-safe guidelines.
- You can sign in using the SafeWA app. This does not replace our visitor sign in system for meetings onsite.
Events and Activities 3 May – 7 May
- 3 May – Act Belong Commit Mentally Healthy Fair – this event will continue as planned
- 6 May – Year 11 Mother’s Day Liturgy and Morning Tea – this event will continue as planned
- 6-8 May – The Addams Family College Production – this event will continue as planned
- After school sport will resume with spectators. Masks must be worn if indoors, if outdoors, spectators are required to wear masks where physical distancing is not possible.
I am grateful to our College community for your continued support in ensuring our school remains a safe environment.
We are blessed that our students can continue to learn with minimal disruption. I ask that you continue to pray for those who experience hardship and suffering in this time.
Yours sincerely,
Giovanna Fiume