News and Notices

Principal’s Message

21 February 2023

Welcome to the first Delagram of 2023!  

I am incredibly grateful to College staff, students, and families for their support in what has been an excellent start to the new year.  The enthusiasm and energy have been infectious around the campus over the past few weeks as we look forward to another exciting year of growth at the College. 

Our College Values 

Throughout 2022, our students and staff undertook a process of reflecting on what we value at La Salle College as a Catholic and Lasallian Community.  Through this reflection it was determined that Faith, Excellence and Service are the core values that are central to our Catholic Identity as a College. These values should come as no surprise, as they are the values that inspired and provided direction to the College community when it first began in 1954 and will continue to inspire future generations of Lasallians. 

These three values may be simple words, but they are infused with such depth, that throughout the year, I will take time to reflect with our community on how we bring these values to light.  Today, I would like to start with our core value of Faith. 


Guided by our faith in God, we are committed to living in accordance with our Christian values and enabling others to grow their own spiritual connections and understanding. 

Faith in Jesus Christ is like a flame.  It burns inside the person in times of darkness and spreads its warmth and light whenever it touches the lives of others.  This flame is lit by giving witness to the presence and actions of Jesus in the lives of people and is fuelled by experiences and knowledge of the life and mission of Jesus Christ.  La Salle College, in its vision and mission, endeavours to create the right conditions for the flame of Jesus Christ to shine from others. 

Making Jesus present in the school does not occur without people, the relationships they form, and the activities they participate in as part of the time they spend in the La Salle community.  It is when we feel love, joy, and share experiences that we begin to feel the presence of Jesus in our College.  St John Baptist de La Salle, our College patron, made Jesus present for those impoverished children in France, who had no hope of breaking the cycle of poverty without the education he and his brothers provided.  Similarly, Jesus becomes present in the lives of our staff and students through the relationships they build, the solidarity they show, participation they inspire and a concern for wellness over each other.   

All members of the College have a relationship with a Pastoral Care Group (PCG).  The PCG is the foundation for students and staff to participate in College life.  The PCGs are collected into Houses, and when together, form a community in the College where students and staff participate in events such as sport carnivals, Feast Days, fundraising initiatives, and leadership opportunities.  

Staff develop a relationship with the student members of their PCG, and likewise the students with each other and their teachers.  Using a vertical model, younger students encounter older students, who guide and mentor each other during their time at the College.  This creates a climate of solidarity, and epitomises the pastoral dimension of a Catholic school, a community that finds Jesus present in the care and concern for others. 

So it is not by mere coincidence that the beginning of the 2023 school year has commenced with several House based events such as our Inter-House Swimming Carnival, House Breakfasts for new students and their families, the Year 7 Experience and Year 12 Retreat.  All these events provide an opportunity for students, parents, and families to build relationships. It has been so wonderful to see members of our community, especially our Year 7 cohort and new students, engage so fully in these events.  

Throughout 2023, I would encourage all students, parents and staff to find ways to build positive relationships that allow them to be Christ’s light to each other and to receive Christ’s light when they are in need.  

Giovanna Fiume | College Principal

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