Wellbeing is quite simply, feeling well and functioning well. It also includes the ability to self-regulate when feeling out of balance.
Throughout Semester 1 our students were provided with the opportunity to develop their social-emotional learning through a range of activities that took place during Long PCG.
Semester 2 will continue in the same manner. Students will participate in Long PCG every Wednesday and use this time to come together as a year group and as a College for celebration of the Eucharist or for an Assembly.
They will also engage in Protective Behaviours Education that focuses on the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum. Developing a growth mindset, developing coping strategies, building resilience and managing social conflict are areas that have and will continue to be a focus across the College in 2021. These topics will be further developed and understood in conjunction with each year group focus. These are;
- Year 7 – Becoming Lasallian
- Year 8 – Being Inclusive
- Year 9 – Stepping Up
- Year 10 – Making Connections
- Year 11 – Seeking Purpose
- Year 12 – Becoming Independent