Two of our Year 7 Student Councillors were asked to reflect on what it means to be a Lasallian. Kate Hall and Georgia Candy provided these beautiful reflections.
Kate Hall
To me it is representing a wider community found all around the world and being apart of a community that helps each other. Whether it is in the classroom or greater community, even sporting events we are always representing our community and St John Baptist. By attending this school, we are expected to fulfil St John’s mission to help the least, last and lost and to touch hearts. It is an honour to attend a school made by the man who started catholic education. Every morning when we put our uniform on, we represent someone on the other side of the world attending a Lasallian school. It is an exciting adventure helping other schools in our community. We are given all the resources we need to follow our core values and we are known around the world. By attending this school, we know that our teachers are following the mission set forth by our leader to give all children a catholic education.
When we first stepped into this school, we weren’t officially Lasallians but after being here for nearly two terms most of us have a sense of belonging. We have been given a blessed badge with the Lasallian spirit and we wear the Lasallian uniform. Becoming a Lasallian is celebrated, and we now are apart of a community of thousands of people who all have the same mission as us to touch hearts, inspire others and to make sure all students receive an education. This may seem hard but whether it is not distracting your mates in class or donating money to someone who currently is not receiving an education.
We represent a huge community which is making a difference every day.
Georgia Candy
To be Lasallian means to be part of a strong spiritual community. We follow the morals of St John Baptist De La Salle and learn to touch the hearts of others and care for the least, the last, and the lost. Being a Lasallian is something that stays with you throughout your whole life, and I am so proud to be part of that community.
Together, we are one big family and within this special spiritual community, we discover our sense of belonging.