A reminder that applications via early offer are now open. You can apply direct to each university by creating an account. If applying to Curtin, you will need to set up your TISC account using your student number and default password- first two letters of surname and DOB in eight digits. e.g. (da01012022).
Please check individual websites for courses that are exempt for the early offer, this includes enabling courses and competitive courses – these can be applied for during main round via TISC by 30 September 2022.
Please remember to use your personal email NOT school email as this disappears end of the year. Universities will calculate your ATAR based on their calculations once you have uploaded your Semester 2 Year 11 report.
- Year 12 Early Offer Program | Murdoch University
- Curtin Early Offers for 2023 – Study | Curtin University
- TISCOnline
- Early Offer | Notre Dame
- ECU Early Offer Program
- Early Offers : The University of Western Australia (uwa.edu.au)
If you need further assistance, I will be running information sessions in Term 2 at lunchtimes or you can book an appointment.
Jaimee Dawson | Careers Counsellor Coordinator