News and Notices

Welcome Back from the Deputy Principals

12 February 2024

Welcome back to all Lasallian students,

It was pleasing to see the majority of students return to school presenting exceptionally well and setting a high personal standard for themselves and others with the College uniform. We thank families for their support with this.

Research shows that a strong uniform standard:

  • Creates cohesion
  • Reduces the potential for bullying
  • Improves study ethic
  • Increases safety
  • Provides a fair dress code
  • Removes certain peer pressures
  • Prepares students for the outside world
  • Encourages professionalism
  • Provides an easier morning for the majority of parents and students
  • Reduces distractions
  • Allows for a focus on character
  • Creates an easier economic situation for parents
  • Allows for weekend expressions (greater sense of appreciation)

The uniform standards are very clear at La Salle College and can be found here. The role of the parent is to understand and support these standards. Teachers would certainly prefer to ask a student how their weekends were or how their favourite sporting team is going rather than first asking why they have come to school dressed or presented inappropriately. So, we once again ask for your support to ensure school is always a positive experience for our young people.

School Attendance
Government regulations state that students are expected to attend on the days the school is open for instruction. Parents/caregivers are responsible for their child to attend correctly and for communicating reasonable explanations for non-attendance.

Maintaining good attendance at school is crucial for student wellbeing and for them to achieve at their best educationally. Attendance below 90%, or 5 days per term places a student at educational risk.

At La Salle College we aim to build an inclusive community where the needs of individual students are met to prevent poor attendance. Our Attendance Procedures are in place to assist students and parents when attending school becomes an issue.

College Attendance Procedures include emails alerting parents to the number of days missed, contact from Pastoral Care Advisors and Leaders of Wellbeing, and putting individual plans in place early to address issues.

Parents play a crucial role in promoting and maintaining good attendance:

  • Prioritise getting students to school each day – plan holidays for non-school days, try and schedule appointments after school hours.
  • Make sure students come to school unless ill.
  • Ensure your child has a good routine before school (enough sleep, limiting technology before bed, set an alarm, pack bag night before, have a good breakfast).
  • Know what is going on at school so you can find the positives with your child about school.
  • Alert the Pastoral Care Advisor and Leader of Wellbeing if there is an issue and work with the College to put supportive measures in place.

Parents are asked to alert the College of their child’s non-attendance via the parent hub each day of their absence. This includes if the child needs to leave the College early or will arrive late.

If you have concerns about your child’s attendance, please contact your child’s Pastoral Care Advisor and Leader of Wellbeing and thank you in anticipation of your support.


Year 12 Ball
We were thrilled to kick off the year with a bang as the Class of 2024 celebrated their College Ball at Optus Stadium on Friday 9 February. The evening was a testament to what lovely young adults our students are becoming, not only did they look impeccable, but their behaviour was exemplary and what we would expect from our most senior students. A big thank you to our staff who attended this event and to Ms Tanya Manning, Leader of Wellbeing Year 12, for her organisation of the event.

Deputy Principal Year 10-12 Ms Shannon Smith | Deputy Principal year 7-9 Mr Scott McIlroy 


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