We have recently written to the families of some year groups regarding a substantial amount of covert, negative behaviour by some of our students on the TIKTOK app, where the behaviour has been bullying in nature towards other students at the College. This includes instances where students are:
- Fabricating and spreading rumours about one another.
- Writing hurtful and disparaging messages about other students.
- Teasing and isolating students because of how they look or who they are.
- Using peer pressure to engage other students in bullying behaviour.
- Engaging in bystander type behaviour and “liking” mean and hurtful comments written by others.
- Using the College crest without permission to bring the good standing of the College into disrepute.
It is important to note that many of these issues initially begin online, outside of school hours and are covert in nature, however, they then spill over into issues that we have to address at school.
As a College, we aim to educate students as best we can about how to be positive digital citizens, however, we require your support as parents and guardians to educate and monitor how your child is using social media, in particular TIKTOK at this point in time.
Below are some resources that provide useful information relating to responsible online behaviour, and the safety concerns around the TIKTOK app.
- www.esafety.gov.au/parents/skills-advice/online-safety-basics
- www.esafety.gov.au/key-issues/esafety-guide/tiktok
Students engaging in this type of negative behaviour online will find themselves in breach of our Student Code of Conduct where we ask all students to “refrain from using any social media to shame, criticize or defame others, including students, staff or the College”. If students are found to be in breach of this, they will be dealt with according to current procedures in place at the College.
We urge you all to continue to educate and have open and ongoing conversations with your child around their use of social media and the ramifications that poor online behaviour may have for themselves and others within the College community.
Should you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s Leader of Wellbeing, or the relevant Deputy Principal.
Scott McIlroy Deputy Principal Year 7 – 9 | Shannon Smith Deputy Principal Year 10 – 12