Year 10 parents and guardians,
With your child entering their senior school years at La Salle College, we are committed to providing you with the necessary information to navigate the years ahead.
Please find below a link to the Pathways and Course Selection Document for Year 11 2024:
This document aims to provide information for current Year 10 students and their families to assist with planning 2024 Year 11 Course Selections.
La Salle College provides extensive choice and opportunities for young people in subjects leading to achievement of the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE), TAFE entrance, university entrance or securing employment. Regulations governing the pursuit of these goals, together with subject descriptions, prerequisites and general advice are outlined within the Pathways and Course Selection 2024 document. Within the document there is also a timeline of the course selection process. As per the timeline, the Course Information Expo will be held on Tuesday 20 June.
The aim of the Expo is to allow students and parents to visit the different Learning Area exhibits and speak to Leaders of Learning and/or Learning Area staff who can discuss subject requirements and help you determine if your child meets the pre-requisite for the course.
On arrival at the Expo students will receive a personalised ‘Course Recommendations’ document, which outlines the courses recommended for your child based upon their current achievement levels. These are the courses your child is recommended to study in 2024 and will assist you and your child when visiting Learning Areas on the evening.
Overview of Course Information Expo:
Date: Tuesday 20 June
Time: 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Venue: La Salle College Patricia Rodrigues Gymnasium
Parking: Front College car park and street parking (please follow street parking signage)
Attendance: It is compulsory for Year 10 students and one parent/guardian to attend. Parents will be required to sign in on arrival. If you are not able to be in attendance, please contact Shannon Smith Deputy Principal year 10-12.
Education Support and EALD Students
It is not compulsory for Education Support and EALD students and their parents to attend, however you are more than welcome. Please note, there will be two optional Vocational Education and Training presentations throughout the evening. These presentations are for students and families who may want to consider Vocational Studies or Workplace Learning pathways in 2024. Students and families can choose to attend these sessions as well as visiting the Expo in the gymnasium.
Vocational Education and Training presentations
Date: Tuesday 20 June
Time: 6.15 pm – 6.45pm
7.00pm – 7.30pm
Venue: La Salle College Senior Lecture Theatre
For more information on these sessions, please email Vocational Education and Training Coordinator, Mr Alf Dipino.
Year 10 Course Counselling Interviews
In Term 3, Week 1, Year 10 students will attend an interview with a member of College staff to select their Year 11 Courses for 2024. Parents are asked to attend the interview with their child. A separate email containing this information has been sent. Prior to attending the Course Counselling interview, it is vital that parents and students are aware of the information in the document, and that you have discussed which pathway of study you wish to choose.
If you have any questions regarding the Course Selection process, or the Expo, please contact Shannon Smith Deputy Principal year 10-12.
A reminder that Ms Belinda Sewell, College Careers Coordinator is also available for appointments. Her contact details are
Students and parents are also encouraged to read through the SCSA Year 10 Information Handbook which can be found online here: SCSA Year 10 Information Handbook 2024.
We look forward to supporting you and your child through the Course Selection process.